The Moral Authority of the NBA
Yesterday, the NBA announced that it would no longer be bringing the 2017 All-Star Weekend festivities to Charlotte, North Carolina. The reason for deciding to move the event has to do with the NBA's protest of North Carolina's "House Bill 2". The bill states:
"Local boards of education shall require every multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility that is Page 2 Session Law 2016-3 House Bill 2 designated for student use to be designated for and used only by students based on their biological sex." (The full bill can be found here: NC House Bill 2)
The term "biological sex" is defined in the bill as "The physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person's birth certificate."
It is no secret that conversation regarding transgender issues has increased in recent years. From the popularity of Caitlyn Jenner to Target's decision to "welcome" guests and team members to use the restroom that "corresponds with their gender identity" (Target). Given that backdrop, when North Carolina passed the law back in March, the NBA issued a statement expressing initial concern over what they feel is a "discriminatory law" (NBA). In the days and weeks following, mainstream sports media (ESPN, Fox Sports, etc.) continuously applied pressure by labeling the new North Carolina law "anti-gay" or "anti-LGBT" or any other term that would imply bigotry on the part of NC's governing body toward any in the LGBT community.
I can only hope that the decision by the NBA and the opinions of ESPN and other sports personalities don't reflect the opinions of the majority of our society. I'm not sure that they currently reflect the majority, but I do worry about the impact their influential voices have. The presentation of North Carolina's new law as "anti-" anything is very one-sided and I believe both the decision and the opinionated presentation of it to be very irresponsible. It is only a matter of time before the masses embrace the NBA's ideologies if they haven't already.
When the veil is removed and we take a closer look at the true intentions of those in the media who present themselves as our moral authority, their intentions probably aren't as pure as they present them to be. The NBA, ESPN, and the other mainstream sports media networks seem to be suffering from a misplaced hero complex. We live in a day and age where far too many are striving to be the next Martin Luther King and it comes off as disingenuous. They use language like "the wrong side of history", "progressive", and "future generations" to pressure anyone with a disagreeing point of view to conform with their narrative. Here's the problem: they are creating straw-man arguments and placing their moral flag on the wrong soil.
House Bill 2 is not "anti-gay" and I would argue that the vast majority of Americans are not anti-gay either. Had the bill stated that those in the LGBT community were not allowed to hold jobs, vote, live in certain areas, or propose any actual infringement upon their freedom then the law could be rightfully described as "anti-gay." I can't imagine anyone apart from actual bigots being opposed to the NBA's decision if that were the scenario. Yet, North Carolina's new bill does not infringe upon the rights of anyone. Those in the LGBT community are free to do everything that every other American citizen is free to do; and that fact remains to be true in North Carolina. In actuality, the bill simply prevents those seeking to abuse the law from having the legal right to do so.
Imagine this scenario: A biological male enters a woman's restroom and your wife, mother, or daughter feel discomfort or harassment over his presence. Should she complain to an employee of the public facility, a security guard, or a police officer her rights are not really as important as those of the biological male if we are to take the NBA's position. The male, claiming gender identity issues (either real or imagined) would have the legal backing to be in that restroom without consequence no matter how uncomfortable it made the woman feel. In effect, the NBA is considering the rights of that biological male to more important than those of the woman affected. I'm confident that this is not their intent, but it is the effect nonetheless. And while I am also confident that the NBA is not intentionally in support of creeps seeking to abuse the law, those criminals are supported by this faulty moral stance anyway.
By making such a public spectacle of this law, the media has created false scenarios in the minds of our society. Those pumping their fists in support of the NBA's decision likely see their morality championing the rights of the many LGBT who have long awaited an advocate to bring forth justice in favor of their bathroom issues. In actuality, how many people currently face an emotional crisis as to which bathroom they should use. How many people feel as though their bathroom struggles have finally been liberated by the NBA's decision to not host the All-Star festivities in Charlotte? Think about this for a second: is gender identity in regard the restroom such a widespread issue that it is in need of boycotts and drastic legislation? I don't think so. When restroom lines get long at concerts, athletic events, or even just the local bar, many women have gone to use the men's room and vice versa. This has been going on since the inception of the first public restroom I'm sure. I can also assure you that even those who have undergone gender reassignment surgery have been using the restroom corresponding to their new gender for years without the objection of anyone.
North Carolina will not be stationing police officers outside of bathrooms with the responsibility of checking birth certificates. Even though that is the mental picture that those boycotting the law would like you to believe. House Bill 2 gives women (and men) the legal protection necessary to have justice served should someone decide to abuse the rights afforded to those with gender identity issues. If a "Peeping Tom" decides that he wants to claim a gender identity crisis for the purpose of hanging out in the women's restroom, North Carolina's new law now offers protection for those women. This is a good thing.
Genesis 1:26 describes God having creating human beings as "male and female." Later, in Genesis 2, God describes the man and the woman as being "fit" for one another. This is one of the most empirically verifiable statements in the entire Bible. We know without a shadow of a doubt that men and women are different. We are different biologically, socially, emotionally, etc. A scientist in any one of those fields would be able to provide extensive research to back that up in support of the logic and experience you have probably confirmed.
My hope is that everyone would see the media charade for what it is. The civil rights' movement of the 60's that they so desperately want to be like was truly commendable, this is not. The on going women's rights efforts are truly commendable, the NBA's boycott is not that.
Let's not be deceived!
"Local boards of education shall require every multiple occupancy bathroom or changing facility that is Page 2 Session Law 2016-3 House Bill 2 designated for student use to be designated for and used only by students based on their biological sex." (The full bill can be found here: NC House Bill 2)
The term "biological sex" is defined in the bill as "The physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person's birth certificate."
It is no secret that conversation regarding transgender issues has increased in recent years. From the popularity of Caitlyn Jenner to Target's decision to "welcome" guests and team members to use the restroom that "corresponds with their gender identity" (Target). Given that backdrop, when North Carolina passed the law back in March, the NBA issued a statement expressing initial concern over what they feel is a "discriminatory law" (NBA). In the days and weeks following, mainstream sports media (ESPN, Fox Sports, etc.) continuously applied pressure by labeling the new North Carolina law "anti-gay" or "anti-LGBT" or any other term that would imply bigotry on the part of NC's governing body toward any in the LGBT community.
I can only hope that the decision by the NBA and the opinions of ESPN and other sports personalities don't reflect the opinions of the majority of our society. I'm not sure that they currently reflect the majority, but I do worry about the impact their influential voices have. The presentation of North Carolina's new law as "anti-" anything is very one-sided and I believe both the decision and the opinionated presentation of it to be very irresponsible. It is only a matter of time before the masses embrace the NBA's ideologies if they haven't already.
When the veil is removed and we take a closer look at the true intentions of those in the media who present themselves as our moral authority, their intentions probably aren't as pure as they present them to be. The NBA, ESPN, and the other mainstream sports media networks seem to be suffering from a misplaced hero complex. We live in a day and age where far too many are striving to be the next Martin Luther King and it comes off as disingenuous. They use language like "the wrong side of history", "progressive", and "future generations" to pressure anyone with a disagreeing point of view to conform with their narrative. Here's the problem: they are creating straw-man arguments and placing their moral flag on the wrong soil.
House Bill 2 is not "anti-gay" and I would argue that the vast majority of Americans are not anti-gay either. Had the bill stated that those in the LGBT community were not allowed to hold jobs, vote, live in certain areas, or propose any actual infringement upon their freedom then the law could be rightfully described as "anti-gay." I can't imagine anyone apart from actual bigots being opposed to the NBA's decision if that were the scenario. Yet, North Carolina's new bill does not infringe upon the rights of anyone. Those in the LGBT community are free to do everything that every other American citizen is free to do; and that fact remains to be true in North Carolina. In actuality, the bill simply prevents those seeking to abuse the law from having the legal right to do so.
Imagine this scenario: A biological male enters a woman's restroom and your wife, mother, or daughter feel discomfort or harassment over his presence. Should she complain to an employee of the public facility, a security guard, or a police officer her rights are not really as important as those of the biological male if we are to take the NBA's position. The male, claiming gender identity issues (either real or imagined) would have the legal backing to be in that restroom without consequence no matter how uncomfortable it made the woman feel. In effect, the NBA is considering the rights of that biological male to more important than those of the woman affected. I'm confident that this is not their intent, but it is the effect nonetheless. And while I am also confident that the NBA is not intentionally in support of creeps seeking to abuse the law, those criminals are supported by this faulty moral stance anyway.
By making such a public spectacle of this law, the media has created false scenarios in the minds of our society. Those pumping their fists in support of the NBA's decision likely see their morality championing the rights of the many LGBT who have long awaited an advocate to bring forth justice in favor of their bathroom issues. In actuality, how many people currently face an emotional crisis as to which bathroom they should use. How many people feel as though their bathroom struggles have finally been liberated by the NBA's decision to not host the All-Star festivities in Charlotte? Think about this for a second: is gender identity in regard the restroom such a widespread issue that it is in need of boycotts and drastic legislation? I don't think so. When restroom lines get long at concerts, athletic events, or even just the local bar, many women have gone to use the men's room and vice versa. This has been going on since the inception of the first public restroom I'm sure. I can also assure you that even those who have undergone gender reassignment surgery have been using the restroom corresponding to their new gender for years without the objection of anyone.
North Carolina will not be stationing police officers outside of bathrooms with the responsibility of checking birth certificates. Even though that is the mental picture that those boycotting the law would like you to believe. House Bill 2 gives women (and men) the legal protection necessary to have justice served should someone decide to abuse the rights afforded to those with gender identity issues. If a "Peeping Tom" decides that he wants to claim a gender identity crisis for the purpose of hanging out in the women's restroom, North Carolina's new law now offers protection for those women. This is a good thing.
Genesis 1:26 describes God having creating human beings as "male and female." Later, in Genesis 2, God describes the man and the woman as being "fit" for one another. This is one of the most empirically verifiable statements in the entire Bible. We know without a shadow of a doubt that men and women are different. We are different biologically, socially, emotionally, etc. A scientist in any one of those fields would be able to provide extensive research to back that up in support of the logic and experience you have probably confirmed.
My hope is that everyone would see the media charade for what it is. The civil rights' movement of the 60's that they so desperately want to be like was truly commendable, this is not. The on going women's rights efforts are truly commendable, the NBA's boycott is not that.
Let's not be deceived!
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